Friday, March 18, 2011

An item in possession has been paid for with both halal and haraam money

An item in possession has been paid for with both halal and haraam
What should a person do with the profits he made from selling cigarettes,
when it has been mixed with other lawful money?

From Quran Blog 

And important note that we want to discuss and share with you its is about reading Quran and Reciting Holy Quran to understand it, Ramadan is the month when the beautiful the Holy Quran has been revealed.  A miracle by the creator of the worlds, Allah (SWT)  Should we not glorify him by reading the gift he has sent down for us and learn Arabic Quran by heart  to feel the power of it and learn is with translation to understand it and let our heart fill will tears of glory and wash away our sins  “Will they not meditate on the Quran, or are there locks on the hearts”, read Holy Quran, Surah Muhammad, Verse 24.

End from holy Quran reciter blog


He who has done business in things that are prohibited in Islam, such as musical
instruments, prohibited cassettes, cigarettes etc. while knowing the ruling on them then
wishes to repent, needs to give away in charity all the profits he made from them. This
will be a means of purification and will not be counted as spending in the way of Allah,
for Allah is pure and does not accept but the pure.

Further, if this money gets mixed up with other earnings, as in the case of a shop owner
who sells many other items, then if he can compute the amount of profits made from
them, he should do it in the hope of purifying the rest of his earnings.

In other words he who has some money earned through unlawful means and intends to
repent, should:

If he was an unbeliever at the time of earning the money, he is not obliged to atone
for them or seek their purification. For the Prophet
(peace be upon him)
did not demand from his followers that they purify their wealth after coming into
the fold of Islam.
If he was Muslim at the time of earning the money, well aware of its Islamic ban
and prohibition, then he should separate it out at the time of repentance.

Excerpts from the book "I would like to repent BUT..."

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