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??Conclusion: The Wikileaks Hydra and Reality
As aforementioned in the section regarding Israel's fission field warfare against occupied Iraq, the Fracture Theory of Zion has incorporated an infiltration wing into its foundation, to penetrate opposition and subvert it or destroy it, whichever will better serve the global agenda of Zionism. In the case of Wikileaks, subversion reigns supreme.
It is has become an impossibility to remain updated on the world's current events, whether choosing the Zionist-owned mainstream media as your provider, or the alternative media, without hearing the name of Wikileaks or its 'founder,' Julian Assange. Vociferously promoted by the Zionist media and despicably worshiped as the idol of choice by the alternative media, Wikileaks now permeates every aspect of 'information age' journalism. While both media spheres will lead their readers and viewers to believe that Wikileaks is a whistleblower of the utmost dignity, honor and integrity, as well as an organization that thrives on truth and the exposure of corruption, this is a lie of the most monstrous proportions. In reality, Wikileaks is an Israeli intelligence operation coordinating attacks against 'anti-Zionist' journalists and online publications with known Tel Aviv-intelligence wing, the Anti-Defamation League (96).
Wikileaks has absolved the Zionist entity of any connection to the 2008 'terror' attacks in Mumbai, despite all evidence confirming the fingerprints of Mossad, CIA and India's RAW collaborating in a deadly false flag paramilitary operation. Instead, it blames the Pakistani government and Pakistani 'Jihadi terrorists (97).'
Wikileaks claims that Hamas, the Islamic Resistance of Gaza, broke the ceasefire in 2008 which provided the pretext for Operation Cast Lead, not the Zionist entity. Additionally, Wikileaks has accused Hamas of using human shields, though the only use of human shields that has ever been recorded is by Israeli occupation forces. Wikileaks claims that the Hindutva entity of India is a major force for peace in occupied Kashmir, not an illegal occupier and notorious violator of human rights. Wikileaks heinously claims that Syrians assassinated former Lebanese Premier Rafiq Hariri, and not Mossad through its signature car bomb. And quite possibly, the most horrifically false claim of all, Wikileaks says Israel has no 'assets' in occupied Iraq, though Iraq is corroded with Mossad's presence from north to south, east to west (98).
The most successful product of Zionist criminal Cass Sunstein's cyber COINTELPRO, Wikileaks has served the illegitimate Israeli state's international agenda flawlessly. Any major story that needs to be buried by the Zionist media can easily be done by using a Wikileaks falsehood-ridden scandal. Latest on Israel's hitlist, is the Egyptian Revolution and its righteous organizers. Right on schedule, Wikileaks arrives on the scene with a means of discrediting the movement, its people, its methods and its motives. According to the latest documents dumped by Julian Assange's organization, the United States backed the 'pro-democracy' groups that have organized the massive protests against Mubarak in Egypt (99). Not only have Zion's gatekeepers swallowed this abomination of the truth and regurgitated it to their followers, well-respected journalists who were instrumental in exposing Wikileaks for the intel-op that it is, have also bought into this pathetic theory.
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah recently addressed this exact issue in his most recent speech, emotionally displaying full solidarity with the Egyptian people, "The worst accusation against this complete humanitarian and political intifada is that American intelligence has incited the Egyptian youth against the regime. Even more, it is a grave insult and an injustice to the youth of Egypt to claim that their movement is directed by the US. Who would imagine that the US would topple such a loyal ally working day and night to protect Washington's interests and projects? It is illogical (100)."
Unlike disposed puppet dictators like Manuel Noriega, Saddam Hussein and Jonas Savimbi of Angola, all of whom began operating in their own interests, instead of the interests of their American and Israeli puppet masters, Mubarak and his regime have catered to Washington and Tel Aviv in an unimaginable manner. The Sayyed hit the nail directly on its head; the insinuation that this populist revolution is the work of intelligence agencies or Western governments is not only an insult and an injustice to the Egyptian people, it is not only illogical, but it is absolutely asinine. To this very moment, as Sayyed Nasrallah stated in the same speech, the Zionist entity and its criminal network are fighting tooth and nail to undermine the people's Revolution, and keep Mubarak in power.
The latest round of the Wiki-Hydra's Zionist poison is directed at the courageous, revolutionary protesters of Egypt for one reason: to convince all of the people in the Middle East living under US-backed, Zionist-funded dictatorships, including those Egyptians who are yet to take to the streets with their brethren, that revolution isn't possible. That Resistance isn't possible. That assembling for an honorable cause isn't possible because all honorable causes have been hijacked by the usurping entity of Zion and its eternal supply of cronies. Israel has underestimated the Arabs however. It has underestimated their steadfastness, their dignity, their righteousness, their Godwariness, their love of country and their willingness to sacrifice their very lives for freedom.
Protesters have taken to the streets in Yemen, Jordan, Lebanon, occupied Iraq, Bahrain and occupied Palestine in solidarity with the people of Egypt in defiance of apathy and the Zionist entity's manipulation. And while Mubarak's heavyweight American lobbyists try to secure more aid from the US Congress (101), Zionist ideologues go back and forth attempting to present a legitimate two-sided discourse on Egypt, though they are simply preserving Israel's point of view (102), and mass murdering war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu threatens the world with another racist diatribe about the rise of an "Islamist" Egypt (103), Egyptians continue their calls for the end of Mubarak in Ismailia, Mahalla, Suez, Alexandria, Mansoura and of course, Tahrir Square in the capital city of Cairo as if the powers that be and the cancer of Zionism that governs them didn't exist. Upper Egypt, including the cities of Kharga and Assiut, has also joined the revolt (104).
Knowledge is what transforms a sleeping people into an unbreakable force of Resistance. It snatches them from their dream state and catapults them into the battlefield of reality. Egyptians are well aware of their cold, hard, dictatorial reality and subservience to it has disappeared as a viable option for them. This awakening is the model that needs to be duplicated in occupied Iraq, Pakistan and every other nation victimized by the supremacist entity of Israel's fission field warfare.
An awakened populace, determined to achieve revolution, can take the Zionist entity's Fracture Theory and fracture it into an infinite number of pieces, rendering its restoration impossible. An Iraqi-Egyptian-Pakistani union, fully backed and controlled by the will of the people, will not just disrupt the Zionist entity's plans, but decimate them.
Revolution in its purest form is the end of oppression and the beginning of freedom. Once Mubarak falls at the hands of the Egyptian people, so falls his oppression. Freedom from tyranny isn't the aspiration of all men. It is a gift that man is born with and one that cannot be usurped by any power, no matter how perceivably powerful. As the great anti-apartheid activist Steven Biko said, "The most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed." A revolutionary mind state is the bitter enemy of the oppressor.
In a revolution, the oppressed transcend from the downtrodden and the exploited to the champions of a nation reborn. Egypt is being reborn right now. And in its transcendence, the oppressors are being burned in the blaze of revolutionary champions who refuse to be humiliated ever again.
~ The End ~
To read part III click HERE.
Jonathan Azaziah is an Iraqi, Moroccan-Hebrew, Russian MC, poet, activist and writer from Brooklyn, New York currently residing in
Florida. His articles, poems and music predominantly deal with international Zionism and the effects that it has on the world's oppressed people. His mixtape, Take The Red Pill Volume 2: Disarm The Octopus will be available for download soon. He is a staff writer for Veterans Today and Opinion Maker.
(1) Ben Gurion On Pakistan by Judicial-Inc.Biz; "Strike And Crush Pakistanis" by Peter Chamberlin, Wake Up From Your Slumber
(2) Mossad And India Spy Agency Team Up, Target Pakistan by Tariq Saeedi, Globe Intel
(3) Dark Alliance: The CIA, The Contras, And The Crack Cocaine Explosion by Gary Webb (rip)
(4) Mossad-RAW Nexus by S.M. Hali, Opinion Maker
(5) Wikileaks, A Circus With No Elephants by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today
(6) Blackwater/Xe Attacks In Pakistan by The Daily Mail Online Edition
(7) Taliban Blame 'Blackwater' For Pakistan Bombings by Robert Mackey, The New York Times
(8) Bombings Kill 7, Injure 14 In Pakistan by Press TV
(9) Peshawar Police Chief Claims RAW, Mossad Behind Killing Of Three Chinese by Andhra News
(10) Beirut Marine Bombing Was Mossad False Flag Operation by Rehmat's World
(11) Sixteen Killed In Pakistan Bombings by Press TV
(12) The Baghdad Cathedral Massacre: Zionist Fingerprints All Over by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(13) Iran Claimed To Capturing The Mossad Spy by Putu Karya, All Voices
(14) Militants Blow Up 2 Schools In Pakistan by Press TV
(15) 'US Embassy Official Blackwater Agent' by Press TV
(16) Pakistan Tribesmen 'To Sue CIA' Over Drone Deaths by The Raw Story
(17) CIA Chief In Pakistan Leaves After Drone Trial Blows His Cover by Declan Walsh, The Guardian
(18) Thousands Hold Anti-US Rally In Pakistan by Press TV
(19) Thousands Rally In Karachi Over Scientist Doctor Aafia Siddiqui by Pak News Net
(20) All Parties Demand End To Drone Attacks by Ahmad Noorani, The International News
(21) Israel's Grand Design: Leaders Crave Area From Egypt To Iraq by John Mitchell Henshaw, Media Monitors Network
(22) The Israeli-Kurdish Relations by Sergey Minasian, 21st Century, Number 1, April, 2007
(23) A Strategy For Israel In The Nineteen Eighties by Oded Yinon, Kivunim
(24) A Clean Break: A New Strategy For Securing The Realm by The Institute For Advanced Strategic and Political Studies
(25) 9/11: Israel's Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(26) Open Letter To The President February 19, 1998 by Iraq Watch
(27) Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces And Resources For A New Century by The Project For A New American Century
(28) Conflict With Iraq – An Israeli Perspective by Benjamin Netanyahu
(29) Rice: US Army Presence In Iraq Protects Israel by The Jerusalem Post
(30) Dirty Hands by Sreemati Mitter, MIFTAH
(31) The Zionist Murderers Of Iraq by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(32) Who Is Ahmed Chalabi? by Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research
(33) Ahmed Chalabi's Ties To Mossad And Neocons by Christopher Bollyn, Rumor Mill News
(34) The Zionist Occupation Of Iraq Is The War In Iraq by Christopher Bollyn
(35) British Terrorism In Iraq by Dr. Elias Akleh, Global Research
(36) "Combat Terrorism" By Causing It by Imad Khadurri, Free Iraq
(37) 'P2OG' Allows Pentagon To Fight Dirty by David Isenberg, The Asia Times
(38) Profile: William Schneider Jr. by History Commons
(39) Bombs Kill Four, Wound Five Across Iraq by Press TV
(40) Baghdad Violence Kills Three, Wounds 14 by Yahoo! News
(41) VIDEO: Iraq 54 Killed In Car Bomb Tikrit, 3 US Soldiers Die Iraq War Rages on by World News
(42) Bomb Attacks Claim 17 Lives In Iraq by Press TV
(43) 50 Dead By Iraq Car Bombs by The Bangkok Post
(44) Car Bombs Kill 8 In Iraq by Press TV
(45) 18 Killed, Dozens Hurt In Karbala blasts by Press TV
(46) Car Bomb At Iraq Funeral Kills 80 And Triggers Clashes by Al-Arabiya News Channel
(47) Iraq Car Bombing Kills 48 by Ned Parker and Salar Jaff, Los Angeles Times
(48) Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(49) VP Biden Looks To Extend Iraq Presence by War On Terror News
(50) Occupied Iraq: New Year, Same Zionism by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(51) Thursday: 87 Iraqis Killed, 153 Wounded by Margaret Griffis,
(52) Iraqi Journalists Face Sacks Of Gold, Fists Of Fire by Khalid al-Ansary, Reuters
(53) Wiki-Hydra: Israel's Favorite PSYOP Just Won't Die by Jonathan Azaziah, Veterans Today
(54) The Alexandria Church Bombing: Mossad, Who Else? by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(55) Egyptian Minister Accuses Gazan Group Of Church Bombing by The Guardian
(56) "Israeli Spying Network" Uncovered In Egypt Days Before Church Bombing by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat, Veterans Today
(57) Cyber-Dissent And Egypt's Latest Stolen Election by Ahed Al Hendi, Cyber Dissidents
(58) Egypt: Muslims And Christians Show Unity After Bombing by Kelly Heffernan-Tabor, CBS News
(59) Egyptian Religious Leaders Affirm Unity by Al-Masry Al-Youm
(60) Egypt's Muslims Attend Coptic Christmas Mass, Serving As 'Human Shields' by Yasmine el-Rashidi, Al-Ahram Online
(61) 'Muslims, Christians We Are All Egyptians:' Scenes From A Revolution As Told By My Eyewitness by Parvez Sharma, Mondoweiss
(62) Israeli Lawmaker Backs Hosni Mubarak by Press TV
(63) Egypt's Crisis: Israel Has Faith Mubarak Will Prevail by Karl Vick, Yahoo! News
(64) Israel Fears Egypt Unrest Will Threaten Gas Supplies by The Business Standard/The Press Trust Of India
(65) Israel: We Destroyed Iraq.. Iraq Must Stay Divided And Isolated… The Oil Of Northern Iraq Will Flow Into Israel by Jouhina Portal News; And Former Israeli Minister Of Security (Avi Dichter) We Have In Iraq Is More Than We Planned And Expected by Al-Hurriya News
(66) Israel Arms Egypt Against Protesters by Press TV
(67) Israeli Minister: Mubarak Regime Will Prevail In Egypt, Despite Protests by Haaretz
(68) How Mubarak's Thugs Work by Rich Lowry, The Corner, National Review Online
(69) Around 300 Dead In Egypt Unrest: UN by The Hindustan Times
(70) Health Minister: 5000 Protesters Injured Since Friday by Al-Masry Al-Youm
(71) Al-Baradi'i's Family Album by As'ad Abu Khalil, The Angry Arab News Service
(72) ElBaradei: "Iranian Nuclear Threat Was Exaggerated By The West by Mihai-Silviu Chirila, Metrolic
(73) Israel's Nukes Most Serious Threat To Middle East: ElBaradei by The Deccan Chronicle
(74) Iran Seeking Nuclear Weapons Technology: ElBaradei by Reuters
(75) ElBaradei: A Contentious Consensus Figure For Opposition by Oren Kessler, The Jerusalem Post
(76) Mohamed Elbaradei by The Boston Globe
(77) ElBaradei: Democratic Egypt Won't Be Anti-Israel, US by The Jerusalem Post
(78) Israel Wary Of Transition In Egypt, Concerned About Regional Stability by Janine Zacharia, The Washington Post
(79) 'No To Mubarak The US Client' by 3arabawy
(80) Egypt Protests: Start Of A New Middle East by Anshel Pfeffer, The Jewish Chronicle
(81) Israel Pulls Down Flag At Cairo Embassy by Ahlul Bayt News Agency; Israeli Embassy Staff Evacuate Egypt by Press TV
(82) 9/11: Israel's Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(83) U.S. Scrambles To Size Up Egypt's ElBaradei by CBS News
(84) Mohamed ElBaradei: Globalist Pied Piper Of The Egyptian Revolt by Paul Joseph Watson, Counter Currents
(85) Profile: Morton I. Abramowitz by History Commons
(86) Israel Urges World To Curb Criticism Of Egypt's Mubarak by Barak Ravid, Haaretz
(87) Obama Backs Suleiman-Led Transition by Mark Landler and Steven Erlanger, The New York Times
(88) Israel Pinning Hopes For Hamas Deal In Gaza On Egypt Intel Chief by Yossi Melman, Haaretz
(89) Lieberman Thanks Suleiman Over Libya-Chartered Gaza Aid Ship by Al-Manar
(90) New Egyptian VP Ran Mubarak's Security Team, Oversaw Torture by Matthew Cole and Sarah O. Wali, ABC News
(91) Mahmoud Wagdy, New Interior Minister Of Egypt, Oversaw The Police State by American Everyman
(92) Torture 'Business As Usual' In Egypt Amid Revolt by Charles Onians, Agence France-Presse/The Jordan Times
(93) Millions Gather To Honor Egypt Martyrs by Press TV
(94) Egyptians Unleash Anger At US, Israel by Press TV
(95) Ben-Eliezer: All We Can Do Is Express Support For Mubarak by The Jerusalem Post
(96) ADL: Wikileaks Vital To Israel's Intelligence Program by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today
(97) 26/11: Mossad Terrorizes Mumbai by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(98) Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison II: Deconstruction Of The Myth by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(99) US Funded Pro-Democracy Movement by Agence France-Presse
(100) Sayyed Nasrallah To Egyptians: Your Victory Will Change The Face Of Region by Hussein Assi, Al-Manar
(101) Who's Doing Mubarak's Bidding In Washington? by Justin Elliot, Salon
(102) Obama Administration Contemplates Legal Nightmare In Egypt After Mubarak by Josh Rogin, Foreign Policy Magazine
(103) Netanyahu: Egypt Could Fall Into Hands Of Radical Islamists by Jonathan Lis, Haaretz
(104) Upper Egypt Joins The Revolution by Mai El-Wakil and Louise Sarant, Al-Masry Al-Youm
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