Quran (ISLAM) Earning Lawful Is Worship
In the name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the All-Compassionate
"May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon You"
Praise be to Allaah, we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah
As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu
Lawful Earning means to earn our living by legitimate and lawful means. These commandments of Allah have further been spread according to Holy Quran and in the sayings of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.).
Lawful things are known as Halal and the things, which are not lawful, are known as Haram.
Lawful things are obligatory on every Muslim.
HALAL AND HARAM (lawful and unlawful things)
Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: It is compulsory on every Muslim to seek lawful earnings. He termed this compulsory subject as a thing of wisdom for a wise man out of other compulsory things. Lawful things are clear and unlawful things are also clear. Between these two, there are doubtful things, which are not clear and difficult to know. All things are limited within these three things.
In Holy Quran Allah says:
• Eat of the good things and do good deeds- (2:168.)
• Allah ordered for eating good things before doing good deeds. The object of this order is eating of lawful things.
• Dont eat properties of one another unjustly-(2: 188.)
• Believers fear Allah and give up what remains of interest (usury) if you are believes- (2.278.)
• If you do not do it, then be prepared to fight with Allah and His Prophet -(2:289.)
• Then He says: If you repent, then for you is the capital. Then He said: Those who turn away from that are the inmates of Hell. They will abide therein. At first, eating of interest (usury), then call for fight with Allah and His Apostle and last of all residing in Hell have been mentioned.
There are innumerable verses regarding lawful and unlawful things.
Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said:
• It is compulsory on every Muslim to seek lawful earnings. Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: He who makes efforts to maintain his family out of lawful earnings is like a fighter in the way of Allah and he who seeks lawful earnings after restraining himself will get the rank of a martyr.
• If a man eats lawful food for forty days, Allah illumines his heart and lets flow wisdom from his heart through his tongue.
Allah grants him renunciation in the world.
Once Sayyidna Saad said to Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) Pray to Allah that He may accept my invocation. Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: Eat lawful food and for that your invocation will be accepted.
Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) mentioned about the worldly addicted men and said:
• There are many men who have got dishevelled hairs, dust laden dresses, are tired in journey, whose food is unlawful, whose dress in unlawful, and who have been maintained by unlawful food. If they raise their hands and say:
• O Lord O Lord how can their invocation be accepted?
An angel residing in Baitul Muqaddas proclaims every night: Saraf and Adal will not be accepted from a person who eats unlawful food. Saraf means optional and sunnat actions and Adal mean compulsory duties. In other words, compulsory
duties and optional duties will not be accepted from him.
(1)Things, which are naturally unlawful.
(2)Earnings, which are unlawful.
(1)Things which are naturally unlawful;
The things that are naturally unlawful are wine, blood, meat of pigs, dead animals, etc. Naturally lawful The things fit for eating in the world are of three kinds,
(A)Minerals and Natural Resources
(B) Vegetation
(C)Animals or similar kind
*Minerals and Natural Resources
Minerals are of different kinds. What grows out of earth; is lawful for eating (and drink) i.e. salt, water etc. except what causes harm. There are things, which have got the effect of poison. They are unlawful as they are injurious things.
They are lawful for eating such as vegetable, grains, and fruits etc. except those, which remove intellect, take life and ruin health.
The things, which destroy intellect, are wine and intoxicants.
The things, which destroy life, are poisons.
The things, which ruin health, are medicines used out of time (out dated or inappropriate).
*Animals or similar kind
They are of two kind
(a) What is eatable
(b) What is not eatable?
Birds, beasts and animals in land and water, which are fit for eating and which, if sacrificed according to the rules of Shariat, become lawful. What is not sacrificed according to the rules of Shariat and what is dead are unlawful,
However out of dead animals, two kinds are lawful—fish and locusts. The following animals are lawful according to this rule worms in foodstuffs and fruits, etc. What does not like to a particular person is Makruh for eating.
Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: Immerse a fly if it falls in food.If an ant falls in food, it does not become impure. if a portion of flesh of a dead man falls in food, the whole food becomes unlawful. It is not on account of impurity, as man does not become impure after death, but it is out of horror.
Animal (except fish and locusts) if sacrificed according to Shariat, becomes lawful except its blood and what is attached to its impurities. Regarding vegetables, what produces intoxication in unlawful and what removes intellect is unlawful .One drop of an impure thing renders food unlawful?
(2)Earnings which are unlawful.
There are two kind of earning—what is taken willingly or unwillingly and what comes to the owner spontaneously.
What is taken willingly or unwillingly are of two kinds.
(A)One kind is what is taken without the knowledge of the owner, such as minerals underneath the ground.
(B)Another kind is what is taken from the owner himself. The latter is of two kinds.
(a)What is taken by force from him,
What is taken by force is again of two kind
(i)What is taken from the maintenance and care of the owner, such as quadrupeds,
(ii) What is taken from him by virtue of power of the ruling authorities, such as Zakat and other economic liabilities
(b) What is taken with his permission? What is taken with the permission of the owner is of two kinds
(i)What is taken from him in exchange, such as buy and sale, dower, wages,
(ii) What is not taken in exchange, such a gift.
Thus the things of earnings are of six kinds.
(1)To become owner of the things of which there is no owner such as minerals and natural resources, to make barren land fertile, to gather fuels and woods from jungles, to take water from river, to take grass, etc. To take these things are lawful provided there is no owner of these things.
(2)What is taken by force and what is not prohibited are the properties gained after battle and without actual battle. They are lawful for all Muslims when one-fifth is taken out from the war booties and divided justly among those who are entitled to them. It is unlawful to take booty from those unbelievers with whom there is treaty.
(3)What can lawfully be taken by force inspite of prohibition of the owner, such as Zakat? The ruling authorities can only take it.
(4)What is taken in exchange of things with the consent of the owner is lawful, such as buy and sale transactions.
(5)What is taken simply with permission without exchange of things, such as gifts, will, etc, is lawful.
(6)What comes spontaneously in possessions, such as properties by inheritance after deduction of necessary expense such as funeral expenses, death instructions by will or otherwise, expenses of expiation of religious duties, expenses of pilgrimage, etc. They are lawful.
Every thing unlawful is bad, but there are different stages of illegality of things of which one is worse than another. All lawful things are good and there are different stages of legality therein and one thing is better than another.
There are four stages of legality of things.
(1)First stage is lowest and it is forbearance of just and ordinary Muslims. It is to save oneself from the unlawful things prescribed by Shariat. This is the lowest stage of piety. No example is necessary in the case of the first stage, as the unlawful
things are clear and a religious man must keep himself distant from these unlawful things.
(2)Second stage is the forbearance of the pious. They refrain from lawful things bounding on illegality. A faqih will give its decision as lawful as it is a subject of doubt but the pious men keep away even from these doubtful things.
EXAMPLE: In the second stage, there is the forbearance of the pious from every doubtful things bordering on illegality. It is not compulsory to give them up, but it is commendable. Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: Give up what raises doubt in your mind and take what does not raise doubt in you.
Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said : Eat the games of hunting on which there are marks of shooting and which die in presence. Dont eat what goes beyond sight being wounded and then it is presented dead in front.
Though it is not unlawful, it is the forbearance of the pious men. It is an order of the Prophet Give up what raises doubt in your mind.
(3)Third stage. This is the stage of forbearance of Allah. Fearing men. Allah-fearing men keep aloof from even such things as are lawful and free from doubt. If these are always practiced, these may turn into Halal and as a result they have Chance of falling into doubtful things. For this, Allah-fearing men keep aloof even from things free from doubt.
Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: If a man cannot reach the stage of Allah-fearing men till he gives up things free from doubt for fear of falling into things in doubt.
• Once the Prophets grandson Hasan put into his mouth one dried grape out of the grapes of Zakat. Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: Throw it off, Throw it off.
(4)Fourth stage: In this stage, these Allah-fearing men give up even lawful things free from doubt even if there is no feat of falling into doubtful things, because they fear that those things may not be for Allah. They are called Siddiq.
EXAMPLE: Fourth stage is the forbearance of the Siddiqs (Truthful Persons). To them, those things are lawful in which there no transgression is and which do not help the commission of sin. The object of their every action is to please Allah and they have Fear of Allah in all their deeds. They live for Allah and they think that what is done except for Allah is unlawful. They follow this verse: Say Allah and then leave them sporting in their useless talks. This is the rank of those who follow Tauhid.
Wealth earned through pious and righteous means will not go with the man to the other world but its virtue will. Wealth earn through unlawful means will bring curse to the earner.
Lawful Earning means to earn our living by legitimate and lawful means. These commandments of Allah have further been spread according to Holy Quran and in the sayings of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.).
Lawful things are known as Halal and the things, which are not lawful, are known as Haram.
Lawful things are obligatory on every Muslim.
HALAL AND HARAM (lawful and unlawful things)
Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: It is compulsory on every Muslim to seek lawful earnings. He termed this compulsory subject as a thing of wisdom for a wise man out of other compulsory things. Lawful things are clear and unlawful things are also clear. Between these two, there are doubtful things, which are not clear and difficult to know. All things are limited within these three things.
In Holy Quran Allah says:
• Eat of the good things and do good deeds- (2:168.)
• Allah ordered for eating good things before doing good deeds. The object of this order is eating of lawful things.
• Dont eat properties of one another unjustly-(2: 188.)
• Believers fear Allah and give up what remains of interest (usury) if you are believes- (2.278.)
• If you do not do it, then be prepared to fight with Allah and His Prophet -(2:289.)
• Then He says: If you repent, then for you is the capital. Then He said: Those who turn away from that are the inmates of Hell. They will abide therein. At first, eating of interest (usury), then call for fight with Allah and His Apostle and last of all residing in Hell have been mentioned.
There are innumerable verses regarding lawful and unlawful things.
Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said:
• It is compulsory on every Muslim to seek lawful earnings. Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: He who makes efforts to maintain his family out of lawful earnings is like a fighter in the way of Allah and he who seeks lawful earnings after restraining himself will get the rank of a martyr.
• If a man eats lawful food for forty days, Allah illumines his heart and lets flow wisdom from his heart through his tongue.
Allah grants him renunciation in the world.
Once Sayyidna Saad said to Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) Pray to Allah that He may accept my invocation. Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: Eat lawful food and for that your invocation will be accepted.
Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) mentioned about the worldly addicted men and said:
• There are many men who have got dishevelled hairs, dust laden dresses, are tired in journey, whose food is unlawful, whose dress in unlawful, and who have been maintained by unlawful food. If they raise their hands and say:
• O Lord O Lord how can their invocation be accepted?
An angel residing in Baitul Muqaddas proclaims every night: Saraf and Adal will not be accepted from a person who eats unlawful food. Saraf means optional and sunnat actions and Adal mean compulsory duties. In other words, compulsory
duties and optional duties will not be accepted from him.
(1)Things, which are naturally unlawful.
(2)Earnings, which are unlawful.
(1)Things which are naturally unlawful;
The things that are naturally unlawful are wine, blood, meat of pigs, dead animals, etc. Naturally lawful The things fit for eating in the world are of three kinds,
(A)Minerals and Natural Resources
(B) Vegetation
(C)Animals or similar kind
*Minerals and Natural Resources
Minerals are of different kinds. What grows out of earth; is lawful for eating (and drink) i.e. salt, water etc. except what causes harm. There are things, which have got the effect of poison. They are unlawful as they are injurious things.
They are lawful for eating such as vegetable, grains, and fruits etc. except those, which remove intellect, take life and ruin health.
The things, which destroy intellect, are wine and intoxicants.
The things, which destroy life, are poisons.
The things, which ruin health, are medicines used out of time (out dated or inappropriate).
*Animals or similar kind
They are of two kind
(a) What is eatable
(b) What is not eatable?
Birds, beasts and animals in land and water, which are fit for eating and which, if sacrificed according to the rules of Shariat, become lawful. What is not sacrificed according to the rules of Shariat and what is dead are unlawful,
However out of dead animals, two kinds are lawful—fish and locusts. The following animals are lawful according to this rule worms in foodstuffs and fruits, etc. What does not like to a particular person is Makruh for eating.
Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: Immerse a fly if it falls in food.If an ant falls in food, it does not become impure. if a portion of flesh of a dead man falls in food, the whole food becomes unlawful. It is not on account of impurity, as man does not become impure after death, but it is out of horror.
Animal (except fish and locusts) if sacrificed according to Shariat, becomes lawful except its blood and what is attached to its impurities. Regarding vegetables, what produces intoxication in unlawful and what removes intellect is unlawful .One drop of an impure thing renders food unlawful?
(2)Earnings which are unlawful.
There are two kind of earning—what is taken willingly or unwillingly and what comes to the owner spontaneously.
What is taken willingly or unwillingly are of two kinds.
(A)One kind is what is taken without the knowledge of the owner, such as minerals underneath the ground.
(B)Another kind is what is taken from the owner himself. The latter is of two kinds.
(a)What is taken by force from him,
What is taken by force is again of two kind
(i)What is taken from the maintenance and care of the owner, such as quadrupeds,
(ii) What is taken from him by virtue of power of the ruling authorities, such as Zakat and other economic liabilities
(b) What is taken with his permission? What is taken with the permission of the owner is of two kinds
(i)What is taken from him in exchange, such as buy and sale, dower, wages,
(ii) What is not taken in exchange, such a gift.
Thus the things of earnings are of six kinds.
(1)To become owner of the things of which there is no owner such as minerals and natural resources, to make barren land fertile, to gather fuels and woods from jungles, to take water from river, to take grass, etc. To take these things are lawful provided there is no owner of these things.
(2)What is taken by force and what is not prohibited are the properties gained after battle and without actual battle. They are lawful for all Muslims when one-fifth is taken out from the war booties and divided justly among those who are entitled to them. It is unlawful to take booty from those unbelievers with whom there is treaty.
(3)What can lawfully be taken by force inspite of prohibition of the owner, such as Zakat? The ruling authorities can only take it.
(4)What is taken in exchange of things with the consent of the owner is lawful, such as buy and sale transactions.
(5)What is taken simply with permission without exchange of things, such as gifts, will, etc, is lawful.
(6)What comes spontaneously in possessions, such as properties by inheritance after deduction of necessary expense such as funeral expenses, death instructions by will or otherwise, expenses of expiation of religious duties, expenses of pilgrimage, etc. They are lawful.
Every thing unlawful is bad, but there are different stages of illegality of things of which one is worse than another. All lawful things are good and there are different stages of legality therein and one thing is better than another.
There are four stages of legality of things.
(1)First stage is lowest and it is forbearance of just and ordinary Muslims. It is to save oneself from the unlawful things prescribed by Shariat. This is the lowest stage of piety. No example is necessary in the case of the first stage, as the unlawful
things are clear and a religious man must keep himself distant from these unlawful things.
(2)Second stage is the forbearance of the pious. They refrain from lawful things bounding on illegality. A faqih will give its decision as lawful as it is a subject of doubt but the pious men keep away even from these doubtful things.
EXAMPLE: In the second stage, there is the forbearance of the pious from every doubtful things bordering on illegality. It is not compulsory to give them up, but it is commendable. Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: Give up what raises doubt in your mind and take what does not raise doubt in you.
Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said : Eat the games of hunting on which there are marks of shooting and which die in presence. Dont eat what goes beyond sight being wounded and then it is presented dead in front.
Though it is not unlawful, it is the forbearance of the pious men. It is an order of the Prophet Give up what raises doubt in your mind.
(3)Third stage. This is the stage of forbearance of Allah. Fearing men. Allah-fearing men keep aloof from even such things as are lawful and free from doubt. If these are always practiced, these may turn into Halal and as a result they have Chance of falling into doubtful things. For this, Allah-fearing men keep aloof even from things free from doubt.
Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: If a man cannot reach the stage of Allah-fearing men till he gives up things free from doubt for fear of falling into things in doubt.
• Once the Prophets grandson Hasan put into his mouth one dried grape out of the grapes of Zakat. Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: Throw it off, Throw it off.
(4)Fourth stage: In this stage, these Allah-fearing men give up even lawful things free from doubt even if there is no feat of falling into doubtful things, because they fear that those things may not be for Allah. They are called Siddiq.
EXAMPLE: Fourth stage is the forbearance of the Siddiqs (Truthful Persons). To them, those things are lawful in which there no transgression is and which do not help the commission of sin. The object of their every action is to please Allah and they have Fear of Allah in all their deeds. They live for Allah and they think that what is done except for Allah is unlawful. They follow this verse: Say Allah and then leave them sporting in their useless talks. This is the rank of those who follow Tauhid.
Wealth earned through pious and righteous means will not go with the man to the other world but its virtue will. Wealth earn through unlawful means will bring curse to the earner.
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