Tuesday, June 22, 2010


135. O believers! Stand firmly for justice, giving witness for Allah, may be therein your own loss, or of your parents or of your relations. Against whom you be a witness, he be a rich or be a poor, in any case Allah has more power than any one over them, therefore follow not passion lest you may be far away from justice; and if you distort or turn your face, then Allah is aware of your doings.
136. O believers! Keep faith in Allah and His Messenger and the Book which He has sent down upon His Messenger and the Book which has been sent down before. And who denies Allah and His angels and His Books and His Messengers and the Last Day, then certainly he strayed far way.
137. Undoubtedly, those who accepted faith, then became infidels, then again accepted faith, then became infidels then after increased in infidelity, Allah will never forgive them nor will show them the way.
138. Give tidings to the hypocrites that for them is the painful torment.
139. Those who take infidels for friends instead of Muslims, Do they seek honour with them then all honour is for Allah.
140. And undoubtedly Allah has already sent down to you in the Book that, when you hear the signs of Allah being denied and is being ridiculed, then sit not with them until they engage in some other conversation, otherwise you would be like them too. Undoubtedly, Allah will gather hypocrites and infidels all in Hell.
141. Those who use to watch your position, then if you get victory from Allah, they say, 'Were We not with you, and if the infidels had a share, then they say to them, 'Had we not control over you?’ and we protected you from the Muslims. Then Allah will decide between you all on the Day of Judgement. And Allah will not make a way for the infidels against Muslims.

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