Tuesday, June 22, 2010


34. Men are in-charge over women, because Allah has made one of them excel over another, and because men have expended their wealth over them, so the virtuous women are submissive, they keep watch in the absence of husband as Allah commanded to watch. And as to those women whose disobedience you fear, then admonish them and sleep apart from them, and beat them (lightly), then if they come under your command, then seek not any way of excess against them. Undoubtedly, Allah is Exalted, Great
35. And if you fear a dispute between husband and wife, then appoint an arbiter from the side of the family of man and an arbiter from the side of the family of woman, if these two will desire reconciliation, then Allah will cause unity between them. Undoubtedly, Allah is knowing, Aware.
36. And worship Allah, and do not associate anyone with Him and do good to parents, and to relatives and orphans, and the needy, and the near neighbour and the distant neighbour and the companion of your side and the wayfarer and to your male and female servants. Undoubtedly, Allah loves not the proud, boastful.
37. Those who themselves act miserly and say others to be misers and conceal that which Allah has given them of His bounty. And We have prepared for the infidels a degrading torment.
38. And those who spend their wealth to show off to men and do not have faith unto Allah and nor the Last Day and whose companion has become Satan, then what an evil companion is he?
39. And what was the harm, if they would have faith in Allah and the Last Day and spent out of what Allah has given them? And Allah knows them.
40. Allah does not do injustice even to the weight of an atom, and if there be a good deed, He doubles it and gives from Himself immense reward.
41. Then how shall it be, when We bring up a witness from every nation, and O beloved Muhammad! We will bring you as a witness and a guardian against all those.
42. On that day those who disbelieved and dis-obeyed the Messenger would wish that if the earth were levelled after burying them in it, and they could not be able to conceal; anything from Allah

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