Tuesday, June 22, 2010


92. You shall never attain good unless you spend your favourite things; and Allah knows whatever you spend.
93. All food was lawful to the children of Israel; save what Yaqoob had made unlawful for himself before the Taurah was sent down. Say you, bring the Taurat and read it if you are truthful?
94. Then after that, whose forges lie against Allah, those are the persons unjust.95. Say you, 'Allah is true therefore follow the religion of Ibraham Who was separate from every falsehood, and was not of the polytheists.
96. Verily, the first House among all marked for the worship of the people is that which is in Mecca abounding in blessing and a guide of all world.
97. Therein are clear sighs; the place where Ibraham stood and whosoever enters it, is in security. And for the sake of Allah, the people is to perform pilgrimage to this House, who could find a way thither. And who denies, then Allah is independent of entire world.
98. Say you, 'O people of Book! Why not you accept the signs of Allah while your works are before Allah.
99. Say you, 'O people of the Book! Why do you hinder those who accepted the faith from the path of Allah, you desire to crook it and you are yourself witness thereof? And Allah is not unaware of your doings.
100. O believers! If you obey some of the people of the Book, then they would render you infidels after your belief.
101. And how would you commit infidelity, (whereas) to you are recited the signs of Allah; and in your midst has come the Messenger of Allah? And he who sought the support of Allah has been directed to a straight path.

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