Tuesday, June 22, 2010


181. Undoubtedly Allah heard those who said, "Allah is needy and we are rich." Now We shall put their sayings and their slaying of the prophets unjustly in writing; and We shall say, 'taste the torment of the fire.'
182. This is the compensation of what your hands have sent forth. And Allah does not oppress their bondsmen.
183. Those who say, 'Allah has covenanted with us that we believe not in any messenger until he brings an order of such sacrifice which the fire consumes; say you, 'Many messengers came to you before me bearing clear signs and with this order which you speak of; then why did you kill them, if you are truthful?
184. Then O beloved! If they belie you even, so the messengers before you, who had come bearing clear signs and the scriptures and the shining Book have already been belied.
185. Every soul is to taste the death; and you will get your compensation in full only on the Day of Resurrection. Whosoever is saved from the Fire and made to enter into Paradise, attained to his goal. And the life of this world is but the goods of deception.
186. Undoubtedly, you shall certainly be tested in your property and in your lives. And undoubtedly, you shall certainly hear a good deal of bad things from the people of the Book before you and from idolaters. But if you endure and guard yourselves (against evils), then it is the work of strong determination.
187. And remember when Allah took a covenant from those who were given the Book that, 'you shall necessarily make it known to the people and conceal it not, but they threw it behind their backs, and took a mean price in Exchange of it, then how an evil Purchasing it is!
188. Never think of those who rejoice on their doings and wish that they may- be praised without doing. Never think of such people away from the torment and for them is the painful torment.
189. And to Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and earth; and Allah is Potent over every thing.

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